Filing for Social Security benefits in Alexandria or Manassas is without a doubt one of the most complex and confusing processes a person has to face. This is unfortunate because it creates more difficulty for you, the person whose life has already been turned upside down due to a disability. But when you have a basic overview of the process and an understanding of who handles paperwork and when, the process of filing for Social Security disability benefits in Virginia can seem a little bit easier.
Here are the basic steps that the majority of Virginia Social Security claims take.
- Filing the Initial Paperwork. There are a number of ways that you can file the initial paperwork. You can go into a Social Security office, do it over the phone, or fill out the forms yourself. Because this process is extremely paperwork-intensive and your answers will have a significant impact on your ability to receive Social Security benefits in Virginia, we recommend getting help from one of our disability lawyers in Manassas.
- Your Claim is Accepted or Denied. An official at the Disability Determination Service (DDS) will examine the paperwork you submit. You will be informed whether he admits or denies your claim. If your claim is initially rejected, the paperwork is then sent on to another examiner within the DDS. In most cases, your paperwork will be denied a second time.
- A Trial Is Requested. Once your claim has been denied a second time, not all hope is lost. This is your chance to stand before an Administrative Law Judge at your local Office of Disability Adjudication and Appeals. This is where the majority of cases are approved.
While the process feels and looks overwhelming—and definitely intimidating—having an attorney who is knowledgeable and experienced in Manassas disability law will help. Contact us at 703-491-2233 today and put our 26 years of experience on your side so you can get the benefits you deserve.